Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'm getting fed up with waiting. I'm the type of girl that needs some attention. I'm not asking for someone to be all in my face blowing up my phone all day everyday. But I hate to go days without talking.

I'd be happy with a, hey have a good day. At least then I know I'm being thought about. But heck I can't even get that.

I'm going to do a Tumblr post on cell phones probably tomorrow. I'm just not in the writing mood right now. I'm in reading mode.

I'm ready to go home and see my family because my Gramma and my aunt always seem to make things better.

Ugh! I hate to say it but if I don't get the attention I want and deserve soon I'm going to have to voice my opinion.

Today's Lesson: There isn't one. I'm trying to figure out just how patience is a virtue.

I'm tired so later.

One Love

Saturday, July 23, 2011

After Thought

My dad and I had a conversation last night that made me cry more than normal. Every time I have a serious talk to my dad I cry. Because I know all the times I messed up hurt him.

And every conversation leads to him telling me to make sure I take care of my sister. And I always promise that I will.

I know I've let him down. It hurts me to say that, even now I want to cry. My dad and I haven't always seen eye to eye but I have always been a daddy's girl.

That's why I do this. That's why I work all day everyday. That's why I stay in on Fridays and study instead of go out.

I do this, I work hard, I give 200% daily to make my dad proud. It took awhile but I'm seeing that he has always been on my side.

I love my daddy and I'm going to do all that I can to reach my goals so that when the time comes I can do for him all that he has for me.

I don't care what anyone says... FUCK THEM TAYLOR'S I'm DAVIS. A Slider if you want to get technical.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Final Thoughts of the Week

I have been so busy this week that I haven't had the chance to share my final thoughts each and every day. But, finals are over and I'm almost caught up with everything that life throws my way.

So, I'm going to run through my week's final thoughts of each and everyday. Sooooo, here goes.

Monday: Well you saw those final thoughts. It was a bad day.

Tuesday: Tuesday was a pretty chill day. I began to get all of my final exam assignments so my week began to get real hectic. My SGA meeting went well and I will probably work on some of those things tonight. Nothing to major that day, but I did start sending out my good morning texts again. I plan on doing that daily like I use to.

Wednesday: I started losing it. It was my last day before all my finals were due so I did what I do best around finals time. I flipped out. I always do. Even when I have nothing to worry about. I have to do better this upcoming fall semester. Needless to say I got no sleep.

Thursday: FREAKING BUSY!!!! I did took my finals literally all day. But thanks to the many interruptions (meetings/stalking phone calls from my president/people just being people) I was up until 2 a.m. I even turned my phone off and people still found me. AT HOME!!!! Ugh! yesterday was just too busy and I was a mess.


Today I got to work at 6a.m. (thats right, four hours after I went to bed I was at work)! Oh my gosh I dragged in something aweful. And I did not accomplish anything. Luckily we only worked a half day because our Company Cookout was at 12. I just get so bogged down in work I lose sight of fun. But I am not doing that again. Last night I decided that when I have no fun I had a nervous breakdown during my spanish final freshmen year.

I just get so tired. I really wish I could talk to him about things but we are both so busy we barely have time to talk to ourselves. No we are not crazy, just busy. But I'm dealing, that's why I'm sharing my final thoughts with you, whoever you are.

But yeah I want to talk a little about this blog. It will be my final thoughts of the day. Like a diary but not as secretive because well, it is on the internet for all the world to see.

I do have a Tumblr again. We got a divorce but we're working things out. Trying to be friends after the fact. (The Randomness That is C). Can't remember if I shared that already but if I did, well you get to see it again.

Today has been a bit rushed but I'm managing. I'm about to dive into this book that my friend and I are reading as our first book in our new book club.

Join us! We are doing a blog so that people can be a part of it from any and every part of the world.

I'm in love with Lupe Fiasco's Lasers album, I can listen to it no matter what I'm doing.

I'm rambling, this Final thought must be over. Hmph!

This week's lesson: Stop stressing, I always get it done.

One Love

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm just tired of fighting. I don't even have anything to say right now. I just... I don't even know.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Very First Time, Again

I'm not sure how to start this blog. It reminds me of my very first time. My very first blog, my very first time sharing my thoughts by with the world.

I'm ready for this new blog to really take off. It is, the newest thing I have done in order to 'Become Me.'

I got rid of so many other things and added things that I felt it was time for me too start a new blog.

I even reconciled with Tumblr and brought back my randomness blog.

Today was a pretty chill day. Worked all day, picked up a much needed room organizer, and even washed a whole lot of clothes.

I'm getting ready to embark on this Book Club Blog journey with my friend and I'm kind of excited about it.

I'm starting to see ME more and more everyday.

Today's Lesson: Procrastination is my worse enemy.

About to go to sleep, workout in the morning and I need to have gotten enough sleep to be able to handle the day.

One Love